Younes Filal

Younes Filal
Insurance Sales Representative, Eastern Region

Address: 1155 Rue Metcalfe, Montréal, QC H3B 2V6.

With more than 15 years of experience in advising clients on their financial needs, with my title of Financial Planner and my licenses as a Mutual Funds Representative and Financial Security Advisor, I have acted in recent years as a partner in a financial planning team.

Over time, I have developed the pleasure of supporting clients in all their phases of life, by applying and integrating the 7 areas of financial planning.

Today, my penchant for insurance leads me to want to specialize and deepen my knowledge in this area.

On a personal level, my passion for cooking allows me to create moments of sharing with my family and friends. Occasionally, I play tennis or ride a road bike.